Prostate cancer nightmare for men

Know Your Body: What is the Prostate?

The prostate gland is located between the bladder neck and the urethra, similar in shape to a walnut, and is responsible for the production and storage of prostatic fluid, which is mixed with sperm to become semen. Prostate cancer is formed by the abnormal growth of prostate cells, and the age of onset is mostly over 50 years old. Due to the fact that prostate swelling is very common among older people, coupled with the slow growth rate of prostate malignancies, the symptoms of prostate cancer in the early stages are not obvious, which explains why most new cases are detected late.

Three major signs of prostate cancer

As mentioned earlier, prostate cancer grows relatively slowly, and there are usually no obvious symptoms at the beginning of the disease, even if the tumor has been in the body for many years, the patient may not be aware of it. However, as the tumor grows in size, patients may experience the following three major symptoms:

1. Frequent urination, especially at night: The tumour may compress the bladder and reduce the bladder capacity, resulting in frequent urination.

2. Difficulty and tingling when urinating or ejaculation: When the tumour presses on the urethra, it will make it difficult and tingling to urinate or ejaculate.

3. Blood in urine or semen: If cancer cells spread, semen and urine may have blood; By the time this symptom appears, it is usually at an advanced stage.

Five high-risk factors

As with most cancers, risk factors for prostate cancer are well documented, and here are five high-risk groups:

1. Elderly

2. There is a male in the family, such as a father, elder brother, etc., who has had prostate cancer

3. Long-term consumption of high-calorie and high-fat foods

4. Chronic lack of exercise

5. Have a smoking habit

Summary: Prostate cancer prevention

Even if you don’t have any prostate problems or symptoms, men should be screened for prostate cancer regularly. Due to the slow growth of prostate cancer, regular physical check-ups in the early years, even if early prostate cancer is unfortunately diagnosed, can be monitored for the increase in the prostate-specific antigen index in the serum through active surveillance, which is done every six months, without the need for special treatment.

Therefore, getting screened for prostate cancer as early as possible can help you know what the problem is and save on medical expenses. HKIPHC’s comprehensive annual check-up for men includes not only prostate tumor markers, but also 21 items such as liver function, kidney function, blood lipids, cholesterol and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Register now to enjoy special online offers!

The prostate gland is located between the bladder neck and the urethra, similar in shape to a walnut, and is responsible for the production and storage of prostatic fluid, which is mixed with sperm to become semen.
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