Corporate and Group Health Check Customization Service

Recognized by the government as a designated medical institution, providing vaccine injection services to citizens, ensuring early protection for more Hong Kong residents.


Government-approved Vaccine Injection Center

Recognized by the government as a designated medical institution,
providing vaccine injection services to citizens, ensuring early protection for more Hong Kong residents.

With sincerity, we ensure peace of mind for you and your family.

With our "New Approaches, New Concepts, New Technologies" in healthcare management services, we drive the advancement of "Healthcare Management Services", wholeheartedly dedicating ourselves to the health and prevention of the public.

With sincerity, we ensure peace of mind for you and your family.

With our "New Approaches, New Concepts, New Technologies" in healthcare management services, we drive the advancement of "Healthcare Management Services", wholeheartedly dedicating ourselves to the health and prevention of the public.

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Fully catering to customer needs

Advocating preventive disease management, we firmly believe that prevention is better than cure. Besides gaining insights into one’s physical condition through body checks, it also helps in promptly adopting the most effective treatment recommendations upon early detection of symptoms.

Healthcare Management Services

New Approach, New Concept, New Technology

A minority possess their own exclusive blood testing laboratories and genetic research centers for health check institutions; they own their own laboratories, genetic testing centers, multiple outpatient centers, senior professional medical teams, advanced medical equipment, and comprehensive health examination facilities, providing customers with the most comprehensive one-stop health examination services.

Our team

“Our goal is to promote preventive medicine and become a trusted platform for healthcare management services in society,” providing comprehensive services to patients, medical institutions, and the government, and creating a perfect platform for preventive medicine services.

By bringing together high-quality medical resources, we benefit all citizens of Hong Kong, allowing everyone to enjoy precise, comfortable, and safe health checks and pain management services.

The belief that “I’ve always been healthy, so I don’t need checks” is a common misconception. Some diseases show no symptoms in their early stages but can be detected through health examinations. Apart from urban “three highs” (high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high blood lipids) which are hard to detect, many diseases such as liver cancer, liver diseases (hepatitis B), and genetic diseases like thalassemia require checks for diagnosis. These diseases often lack severe symptoms in the early stages, making them easy to overlook. Detecting these diseases early through checks allows for timely treatment, significantly reducing both the time and cost of medical care. For instance, common high-risk cancers in Hong Kong such as colorectal cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, and thyroid cancer have a recovery rate of up to 90% when detected and treated early.

香港的生活節奏愈趨急速,不少慢性疾病斬有年輕化的趨勢,其實無論男女都應該在 20 歲開始做針對性的身體檢查:

  • Ages 20-29: Blood tests, thyroid function tests
  • Ages 30-39: Diabetes screening, gynecological examinations
  • Ages 40-50: Screening for various cancers, cardiovascular disease checks

For some routine blood tests including blood sugar and blood lipids, fasting is necessary. Refrain from eating for at least 8 hours before undergoing the check-up. However, for liver function tests, kidney function tests, urinary and reproductive system examinations, pelvic ultrasound examinations, Pap smear tests, thyroid examinations, allergy tests, cancer screenings, fasting is not required. Additionally, avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and oily foods in the week leading up to the health check to avoid affecting the results.

You can typically collect your health check report within approximately 7-10 working days after completing the check-up. On the day of the examination, you can also schedule a date for report collection. Our professional consultant team will explain the health check report to you. If any abnormalities are detected in the report, our on-site doctor will write a referral letter for you.

Yes, you can. If necessary, we can arrange for a male or female doctor to conduct your examination.

Yes, it is. Apart from avoiding long waiting times, our HKIPHC Health Ambassadors will recommend different health service plans based on your individual health condition and needs. They will also provide guidance on what to pay attention to before the examination. Simply call 2752 0022 or email to inquire about and schedule services. Our staff at the Hong Kong International Professional Health Check Association will arrange a suitable time and location for you.

Health Information

Providing information, advice, and guidance on health-related topics. Content is provided by health experts, doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers, or professionals with experience and knowledge in specific health fields.

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