Get to know your body – the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body, located in the upper right abdomen of the body, and is divided into the left lobe, the right lobe, and the caudate lobe, the left lobe is smaller and the right lobe is larger, and the right lobe accounts for about 60 to 70 percent of the entire liver volume. The liver can become a major organ of the body because it has many functions, and most of them are closely related to the body’s metabolism.

The 4 main functions of the liver

  1. Production and storage of energy: The energy referred to here refers to glucose. Glucose is resynthesized into hepatic glucose in the liver and stored in the liver, where it is broken down into glucose when needed, which becomes an energy source for cellular activity in the body.
  2. Protein: After being absorbed by the body, protein is broken down into amino acids and sent to the liver to become raw materials for the production of albumin and clotting factors.
  3. Breakdown of toxins: Toxins absorbed by the body, such as drugs, chemicals or alcohol, as well as metabolic waste products produced by the body, are processed into harmless substances in the liver before being excreted through other channels.
  4. Production of bile: Bile is an essential part of fat processing, and many people mistakenly think that bile is made in the gallbladder because of the name of bile, when in fact bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

Causes of liver cancer

Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in Hong Kong, and its causes are also very common in Hong Kong and around the world. The two most common causes are hepatitis B or C virus infection and cirrhosis.

Among them, hepatitis B carriers are the most high-risk, and if hepatitis B carriers drink or smoke for a long time, it will not only increase the burden on the liver, but also make the hepatitis B virus more active, thereby accelerating the speed of hepatitis B turning into cirrhosis and liver cancer!

However, regardless of whether you are a hepatitis B carrier or not, it is best to quit smoking, alcohol, and undergo regular liver tests to ensure liver health and maintain energy to continue to fight on the road of life! HKIPHC’s comprehensive liver screening service provides you with a total of 19 tests, including detailed liver tumor markers, liver function tests, and hepatitis B testing.

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body, located in the upper right abdomen of the body, and is divided into the left lobe, the right lobe, and the caudate lobe, the left lobe is smaller and the right lobe is larger, and the right lobe accounts for about 60 to 70 percent of the entire liver volume.
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