Cancertype predicts your potential cancer risk so you can prevent it early!

Everyone’s risk of cancer varies greatly

The genes are about 99.9 %相同,但有0.1% differences. These 0.1% genes are called SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), and differences in SNPs can cause some people to have a higher risk of developing certain cancers than normal people.

Cancer risk is predictable

Most of the high mortality rates from cancer are caused by late detection and missed golden treatment opportunities. According to the China Cancer Registry, there are about 4.29 million new cancer cases every year, with an average of 8 people diagnosed with cancer every minute. Our genotype determines our constitution and how our bodies respond, which makes us different in our predisposition to cancer. If you carry a high-risk gene, you will have a higher risk of cancer than the general population.

CancerType helps you understand your genes early, shows the risk or predisposition of developing related cancers according to the status of the susceptibility genes you carry, provides life and prevention advice, and helps you customize a health plan based on the results, reduce the possibility of disease, and start a personalized healthy life.

CancerType Product Advantages:


Comprehensive: Detects the risk of 26 different cancers in 8 systems throughout the body

Professional: It can detect an individual’s cancer-related genotype to compare the associated cancer risk with the normal population, and provide healthy lifestyle advice to help reduce the risk of cancer in high-risk groups.

Cancer prevention is better than cure

People at high risk of cancer can try to improve their lifestyle, have regular physical check-ups, and customize preventive measures to reduce the chance of cancer and detect early cancer before cancer occurs.

The genes are about 99.9 %相同,但有0.1% differences. These 0.1% genes are called SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), and differences in SNPs can cause some people to have a higher risk of developing certain cancers than normal people.
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